Agasthyakoodam, also known as Agastya Mala, is a mountain peak located in the southern Indian state of Kerala. It is part of the Western Ghats mountain range and is situated in the Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary, near the border between Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
The Agasthyakoodam peak stands at an elevation of 1,868 meters (6,129 feet) above sea level. It is known for its lush greenery, diverse flora, and rich biodiversity. The region surrounding the peak is home to numerous rare and endemic species of plants and animals.
Agasthyakoodam is a popular destination for trekkers and nature enthusiasts. However, access to the peak is restricted and requires obtaining prior permission from the Forest Department of Kerala. The trek to the summit is challenging and usually takes two days to complete. The best time to visit Agasthyakoodam is during the winter months of December to February when the weather is pleasant.
Entry to Agasthyarkoodam peak and its surrounding areas is restricted by Kerala Forests and Wildlife Department. A controlled and defined trek provided by the Forest department is accessible only during the trekking period defined by the Government from time to time. The tickets can be booked only by a registered applicant. The trekking team will depart from Bonacaud Forest station at 8 am, to reach the base camp at Athirumala, 16 Km into the forest, by evening. The steep 8 Km climb to Agasthyarkoodam will begin early morning the next day and the travelers will be able to return to the base station by afternoon. Slow trekkers can stay at the base camp for another night before returning to Bonacaud. Trekkers are prohibited from bringing/consuming, alcohol, cigarettes, and any type of cooking inside the forest. Performinritualype of pooja rituals are also not allowed inside the forest.
This service falls under Permit and Passes group and hence is available only for registered applicants.
For more details, please click here
All tickets are booked for the 2023 season.